Trust Your Journey is Ideal for You

Everyone’s life has challenges: trauma, pain, disappointment, regret, guilt, grief, frustration, suffering etc, etc. On the spiritual path one of the main keys to rising above these emotional anchors and attachments is to let go, then let go again, then let go some more… 🙌😜☺💞 The how of letting go is where people get stuck, because their personality just cannot fathom how it is possible or even why it is okay to let go. “No I can’t, it’s just not right!!!”😫 Acceptance of one’s journey not as perfect, but as IDEAL specifically for you, is a key to unlocking the personality’s extreme attachment to, “why me?😪, why is this happening to me..?😩🥵🤬, why isn’t Spirit answering my prayer?😒😡, it’s not fair!!!” Reminding the personality/ego that the experience happening is very important for ‘the journey’, the Mission on Earth, your purpose here. The lower-mind may not see or understand yet why something seemingly awful is happening, however one day it will be shown how and why it assisted in your growth as a spiritual being having this human experience. This is where FAITH and TRUST comes in. Have faith that your journey is IDEAL for you to learn the lessons that you will then ground as wisdom and share with the world in some form. It is accepting not knowing why, not knowing how, not knowing… yet surrendering through… Let go, trust and Be who you came here to Be! This is your Service to Others on Mother Gaia.

Faith ~ Your Journey is IDEAL for You

When looking back over all the tough times or even current long term initiations, you can see how these seemingly negative situations are actually ideal for you in this life. For most it is the only way to trigger your strengthening, to remind you of who you truly are and what you are here to bring to the world. Whether it is to anchor more love and light into the field or to share your experience with others to assist in their awakening, embrace it! Listen up for the divine lessons and be grateful for the reminding, for the ability to serve in some way. Your body, your mind, your emotions, are all ideal for you in this life time. Hold powerfully to this truth. Blessed be all Beings on Earth. 🙏🏼💕

Deepest blessings of Divine Peace, Love and Light,
Opheana & Sikaal🙏🏼💜💚 Meditate Weekly with Opheana & Sikaal

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