How to Disconnect to Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Use Your LIGHT PORTALS & CHAKRAS To Choose Your Connection to the External World

Take a breath and just be with us for a moment as you take in a message from our Ascension Team. aaaah….
The Collective Energy on Earth is in chaos, deep in emotion, the lower mind in overdrive trying to figure everything thing out, the personality masculine is often in crisis, obsessively trying to get back on track. The personality feminine worrying about everyone, trying to fix everything!
Take another deep breath…. aaaah….
Step back from the race, breathe and remember, all your needs will be met. Needs, not always the wants and desires of the personality.
Take another deep breath…. aaaah….
Remember to disconnect from the very powerful river of Collective Consciousness (the Matrix) right now. If you dip your foot in, it is easy to be pulled into the torrential flow, which is often the opposite direction of where you actually want to go.
We often share to open your Multidimensional Light Portals to receive clean and clear information from the energy field and your Ascension Team (see Ascension & Energy Management Manual or our Energy Clearing & Healing Course to open your Light Portals). However, especially for some of you extra sensitive Empaths & Telepaths, it is suggested to bring the light portals, also including the chakras, down to somewhere between 60% – 80% open at the moment. You may receive guidance for yourself from your guides, your intuition, using muscle testing, or asking your Spirit-Higher Self specifically to guide the portals and chakras to wherever is in the highest for you in each moment.
Take another deep breath…. aaaah….
If you choose to bring your energy percentage down for parts of your day, remember to expand to 100% again when doing your Sacred Temple Work, Channeling, Meditation, Healing etc. Do this while setting up a protective energy around you and your sacred space, asking your Ascension Team to assist, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Your Presence, Cosmic Family of light, whomever you are guided to work with. And after your session always sealing the energy up and bringing your energy field to between 60-80% again. You will find life will run more smoothly in these times.
When interacting out and about in the 3D world, it is suggested to bring your light portals and your chakras down to approximately 22% – 30%. For some this may feel like you can hardly breathe, however as soon as you are in your own Sacred Space again your will bounce back much faster to your own true energetic frequency. If you are 100% wide open when going out, you may collect all sorts of thought forms, programs, entities, absolute chaotic consciousness flows that are completely unnecessary for you to experience and then have to clear and then work very hard to bring your frequency back up again. Each day will be different, so continually check in with your Presence and your guidance.
Take another deep breath…. aaaah….
In the next 3 – 5 months it is likely you can open fully again.
Feel into this message for what is true for you and play with your own vessel, the gears of your energy bodies to feel more in alignment overall. 🙏🏼
Waves of love, peace and enLightenment to you… Breathe….

Deepest blessings of Divine Truth, Love and Light.

Opheana & Sikaal🙏🏼💜💚


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Conscious Channels Opheana & Sikaal
In Sacred Temple Space Opheana & Sikaal consciously channel the Guided Meditations with the Family of Light. Experience deep connections to the Ascended Masters, Archangels & Cosmic Cousins and receive Sacred Mystery School & Life Mastery Teachings, next to Galactic Astral Travel Journeys.

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