Multidimensional Shadow Work

We are a Multidimensional Beings, materialized in our Earthly Incarnation through 12 Dimensions.

The difference between Shadow Work and Multidimensional Shadow Work:

Shadow Work focuses on finding darker areas needing healing in the Lower Energy Bodies: particularly the Mental and Emotional – the Personality/Ego. The subconscious distortions in these energy bodies show up in the personality often without the person realizing they are acting out their darker, shadow aspects hidden from their conscious awareness.

Multidimensional Shadow Work dives into the many areas of the 12 Energy Bodies, the 12 Dimensions, Soul Extensions in other realms, no time, no space. Your Soul has had an infinite amount of lives, experiences and connections since the moment of the illusion of separation from Source, The Creator. Many people are playing out, experiencing feelings, memories, physical manifestations on Earth that were actually initiated or began in other realms, another time, another space reality or dimension. Multidimensional Shadow Work combs deeply through your energy field working harmoniously with your Spirit guiding the way to assist you to shine the light on the aspects that are of highest priority for you to heal to assist you in this lifetime. This often, if not always, creates healing for many other areas of your multidimensional field, including the healing of soul extensions (other parts of your Spirit) living in other realms that may have needed your help to reach the next level of healing for them. This all leads towards a more powerful synchronized, harmonious experience in your Ascension Process on Earth and your life in general. You then create from a higher frequency, aligning more deeply to your mission and to your heart.

Meditate in Sacred Temple Space to feel Peace, to Center YourSelf, to Align to Spirit.

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Multidimensional Shadow Work Meditation
Ascended Master Isis
Multidimensional Shadow Work Meditation
Ascended Master Isis

Starting in the Divine Presence Communion Temple and connecting with the Crystalline Consciousness at the core of the Temple. Ascended Master Isis joins you and connects with you. Isis and your Spirit and Support Teams anchor and activate a Temple of Multidimensional Shadow Work consisting of 12 doorways. Each doorway leads to a deeper Spiritual Initiation on your Path. Isis and your Spirit guide you in a Multidimensional Shadow Work Ceremony/Initiation where you are guided to choose to enter 1 of 12 Initiation Doorways increasing in intensity & potential healing. You choose a doorway and experience a first powerful step in deeper insights and healing. The integration time is up to 3 days initially, however the process of Initiation will vary greatly depending on your particular journey and the Initiation Doorway you were guided to access in this session. You can come back to do this session again & again. Call on Isis for deep support during and after this session.

Deepest blessings of Divine Truth, Love and Light.
Opheana & Sikaal🙏🏼💜💚

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Conscious Channels Opheana & Sikaal
In Sacred Temple Space Opheana & Sikaal consciously channel the Guided Meditations with the Family of Light. Experience deep connections to the Ascended Masters, Archangels & Cosmic Cousins and receive Sacred Mystery School & Life Mastery Teachings, next to Galactic Astral Travel Journeys.

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