Collective Consciousness

Overwhelmed? Simplify

It is so easy to believe that all the activities, chores, responsibilities and even relationships are absolute necessities in life. However, the truth is there are always areas to be refined, to let go of, to cut down on, to change. People have been taught and disciplined to keep busy, to juggle striving, grinding, achieving, […]

Trust Your Journey is Ideal for You

Everyone’s life has challenges: trauma, pain, disappointment, regret, guilt, grief, frustration, suffering etc, etc. On the spiritual path one of the main keys to rising above these emotional anchors and attachments is to let go, then let go again, then let go some more… 🙌😜☺💞 The how of letting go is where people get stuck, […]

Empathy or Sympathy?

When you sympathize with people, you feel all of their stuff and you can even take on their beliefs and programs in that moment. If your intention is to help, sympathizing definitely won’t work, you will just fall into the illusions of the emotions. You jump into the river with them, pulling each other under. […]

How to Disconnect to Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Use Your LIGHT PORTALS & CHAKRAS To Choose Your Connection to the External World Take a breath and just be with us for a moment as you take in a message from our Ascension Team. aaaah….The Collective Energy on Earth is in chaos, deep in emotion, the lower mind in overdrive trying to figure everything […]

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